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Sunday School  - S.S. Director Wade Hancock


09:00 AM

Senior Men - Mike Pinegar

Adult II - Wade Hancock

Adult III - Ken Griffith

Youth - Lydia Brown

Children 1st-3rd Grade - Breanna Johnson

Children 4th-6th Grade - Gloria Pinegar

PreK-K - Nikki Lohorn

Nursery - Susan Robinson & Carol Hale

Children Assistant Teachers - Thomas & Missy Sliger

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Wednesday Night - Wedn. Night Director Stephen Brown

6:30 P.M.

Adults meet in the sanctuary for prayer meeting, worship

and Bible study.


Children ages 1st - 6th grade led by Christal Pistole & Misty Palmer

Teens 7th grade - High School meet downstairs and are

led by Kevin Roberts and Stephen Brown. 


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Sunday School Missions Strategy was developed by Bro. Jason Lohorn in the  fall of 2008 and was implemented in January of 2009.


Over a six year period Sunday School Classes collectively completed an average of 35 individual mission projects “each year”.


The goal of this Sunday School Missions Strategy is to equip and challenge each class to do their part in reaching the lost and ministering to their community.  These projects almost always begin with someone having an unmet need in their life.  This strategy has fostered an atmosphere in which our classes pray and look for divine appointments.

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