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Our Beliefs

Salem Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church and is affiliated with the Salem Baptist Association, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board & the Southern Baptist Convention.  We are an autonomous local church that chooses to cooperate with other Southern Baptist Churches in carrying out the great commission and in missions giving. 

We affirm the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.  Click here to view these statements of faith and their Biblical references.

Our Mission Statement

At Salem Baptist Church we are a local church focused on Seeking God, Sharing Christ, and Serving others.   We believe that these three points characterize so much of what we as Christians are called to do and how we are to grow.  Our prayer is that every believer will embrace this mentality as God guides and directs them.

First, We are called to SEEK GOD.  This means that we have a responsibility to be connected with God, through things such as worship, prayer and personal Bible Study.  This is also why we join together as a community of believers to study God’s Word corporately each week on Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday nights.  The desire to seek God is the driving force that helps us to mature and grow as Christians and is therefore essential for us all.

Second, We are called to SHARE CHRIST.  One of the things that seems to be lost in many churches today is a focus on evangelism.  Throughout God’s Word we are told about this essential element of the Christian faith. (Matthew 9:37-38, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 10:11-15, Philemon 6)  This tells us that each of us should have a burden for the lost.   We should be driven by a desire to see others come to know Christ since it is He alone that is the, “Way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him.” 

Third, We are called to SERVE OTHERS.  1 Peter 4:10 tells us, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace”.  God has gifted each of us with different gifts and abilities that we are called to use for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.  The Bible refers to the Church as a body and just as the body has many parts that all do different jobs, so the church if it is going to function properly needs its members to serve in their gifted areas.


Sunday School - 9AM

Morning Worship - 10AM

Choir Practice - 5:15PM

Evening Worship - 6PM


Bible Study/Prayer Meeting - 6:30PM

Youth - 6:30PM Fellowship Hall

Children's Class for ages 1st-6th Grade

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